Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Remote Terminal display issue with Windows 8.1

As far as I have tested it myself, the basic functions of Remote Terminal all run fine on Windows 8.1. However, as some people have already noticed and reported to me, there is an annoying issue regarding the terminal display which makes working with the app practically impossible.

I think it only happens when the width/height of the terminal window are constrained in any way, e.g. by snapping or by the virtual on-screen keyboard. In that case the terminal window is totally black every second keypress/click/tap/focus change.

I have already traced the problem to some DirectX helper code which receives different dimensions for a drawing surface from the OS than on Windows 8.0 but I have yet to find a solution.

Workaround: don't snap the app and use a physical keyboard, then all should be fine.
I'm really sorry, but I hope to find a solution in the next days!


  1. I will eagerly await the update before starting my free trial. No reason being inpatient and not getting the best possible experience. (Not using snap does not seem like an acceptable work-around.)

    I will subscribe to your blog to see when it arrives. I appreciate your dedication. :)

  2. Well, good news, I fixed it. Turns out it was some DirectX code that was behaving slightly different on Windows 8.1 than it was on Windows 8.
    I have already submitted the update for certification, let's see how long it takes to be published.
